8:00 am - 3:30 pm |
FEW Golf Outing
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8:30 am - Noon |
Colocated Event
Ethanol 101 Summit
Room 211CD
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8:30 am - 10:00 am |
Concurrent Panels
Biodiesel Summit
Reviewing Project Economics and Available Funding Pathways for Sustainable Aviation Fuel Production
Room 102DEF - (8:30 am - 10:00 am)
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Decarbonization is a central pillar of the Biden administration’s energy policy ambitions and the federal government is using a multi-pronged approach to drive private investment within the biofuels sector. This panel features an in-depth look at both the Sustainable Aviation Fuels credit and the Clean Fuel Production Credit or 45z tax credit as a means of boosting project economics. Additionally, the Department of Energy’s Loan Programs Office will walk attendees through the financing options available for low-carbon, renewable fuel production projects and the requirements for a project to qualify.
Moderator: Dawn Lima, VP – Renewable Energy & Sustainable Technologies, Foss & Company
- Kenneth Hill, Senior Consultant, DOE, Loan Programs Office
Financing SAF, Renewable Diesel, RNG, CCS, Chemicals, and Protein Projects with DOE’s Loan Programs Office
- Tony Miller, Director, Weaver & Tidwell, LLP
Ethanol and SAF - Credit Qualification: Part 1: Lifecycle Analysis and Environmental Requirements
- Leanne Sobel, Director, Weaver & Tidwell, LLP
Ethanol and SAF - Credit Qualification: Part 2: Tax Qualification, Registration, and Multipliers
- Pawan Mehra, Senior Economic Advisor, cCarbon
The North American SAF Market Incentive Landscape at a State and Federal Level
Carbon Capture & Storage Summit
An Exploration of the Methodologies for Determining Well Site Viability for CCS Projects
Room 208CD - (8:30 am - 10:00 am)
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Any carbon capture and storage project will ultimately require a Class VI underground storage permit, demonstrating that a selected well-site is capable of adequately storing the planned for inventories of CO2. The presentations in this panel will outline the utility of publicly available geographic data and the options available to project developers should that data not be sufficient. The value and cost of site specific test wells will be articulated along with a rubric for determining when a more involved test well is likely to be necessary in a project’s Class VI permit application.
Moderator: Michael Hillix, Principal Geoscientist and Energy Advisor, Univ. of North Dakota Energy & Environmental Research Center
- Dylan Hart, CCS Subsurface Solutions Lead, Black & Veatch Corp.
Site Screening for Carbon Sequestration Injection Wells
- Kellyn Modlin, Project Comptroller, SCS Engineers
CO2 Project Cost Analysis: A Practical Tool to Determine Project Viability
- Tug Eiden, Principal CCUS Advisor, Trihydro Corporation
CCUS Value Impacts of Installing a Stratigraphic Test Well
- Zach Freund, Reservoir Engineer, Advanced Resources International
Drilling Wells for CCS: How is it Different from Oil and Gas?
10:00 am - 10:30 am |
Refreshment Break |
10:30 am - 12:00 pm |
Concurrent Panels
FEW: Track 4: Leadership and Financial Management
Bringing the Incredible Power of Artificial Intelligence to Ethanol Production
Room 211AB - (10:30 am - 12:00 pm)
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Perhaps the most dizzying aspect of the rise in artificial intelligence is the speed at which it has transitioned from an “under development” concept to a tool already in widespread use. Cell phones now boast AI features as a primary selling point. This panel features presentations about the use of AI in everything from basic business communications to more bespoke applications like improving corn oil capture rates and leak detection.
Moderator: Gary Weihs, Managing Partner, Kincannon & Reed Executive Search
- Donna Funk, Principal, Pinion
How to Work Smarter with Microsoft 365 Copilot and AI
- Eric Newell, Executive Chairman, Levridge, Inc.
Create Efficiency in Your Business with AI
- Shawn Anderson, President and Chief Engineer, API Solutions, LLC
AI Powered Valve Leak Inspection
- Taylor Pellerin, Technical Service Account Manager, IFF
Insights from Machine Learning Models to Holistically Optimize Corn Oil Yield
Biodiesel Summit
The Transformative Potential of Sustainable Aviation Fuel Markets on Existing Renewable and Fossil-Based Production Sites
Room 102DEF - (10:30 am - 12:00 pm)
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Each of these four presentations offer very different go-forward pathways as a reaction to the opportunity presented by SAF production. These presentations will provide attendees with a compelling vision of increased opportunity for fuel producers via their production, their CO2 streams, or in the case of the panel’s final presentation, their fossil-fuel based refining assets. Producer’s weighing their own posture towards SAF production and how best to participate will appreciate this panel’s variety in approach and complexity.
Moderator: Stephen Sims, Vice President of Business Development, Universal Fuel Technologies
- Shrikant Rathi, Executive Director, PRAJ Industries Limited
Enhancing Sustainable Aviation Fuel Production: Innovative Decarbonization Strategies for Existing Ethanol Plants
- Youssef Tazi, CO2 Business Development Manager, Twelve
CO2 To SAF - How Ethanol Plants Can Play A Crucial Role In Carbon Transformation
- Scott Vincent, Director of Logistics, Strobel Energy Logistics
Biofuel Logistics Considerations
- Johnny Smatana, Business Development Manager, Integrated Global Services
Case Study: 50% Savings in Renewables Conversion achieved at a plant in Eastern Canada
Carbon Capture & Storage Summit
Lessons Learned: What the First CCS Projects Can Teach Developers About Project Feasibility, Pathway Verification and Monitoring/Reporting/Verification
Room 208CD - (10:30 am - 12:00 pm)
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This panel will leverage the experience of the assembled speakers to offer an ‘eyes wide-open’ look at the critical development steps to inform a project’s go/no-go determination. The presentations offer a blend of considerations connected to pathway verification, voluntary carbon market modeling, test wells and strategic community engagement. These presentations will demonstrate that while the requirements may at first seem incredibly daunting, a step-wise approach made by engaging experienced providers can successfully de-risk these projects and hasten the advent of their game-changing economic benefits.
Moderator: Caitlin deBoer, Business Development, Gas Liquids Engineering
- Danielle Anderson, Senior Government Policy & Advocacy Manager, Christianson PLLP
Experiences from the First CCS Pathway Verification Process
- David LaGreca, Director of Voluntary Carbon Markets, EcoEngineers
CCS Case Study: The First And Largest Carbon Removal Credit Project
- Tug Eiden, Principal CCUS Advisor, Trihydro Corporation
The Value of Conducting an Initial Feasibility Study for CCUS Projects
- Joy Frank-Collins, Marketing and Communications Specialist, Battelle
Community Benefits Plans 101 – What They Are, Why We Need Them, And Tips On Effective Execution
Noon - 1:00 pm |
Networking Lunch |
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm |
Concurrent Panels
FEW: Track 1: Production and Operations – Biological Processes
The Economic Argument for A Commitment to Robust Plant Cleaning Regimes
Room 103DEF - (1:00 pm - 2:30 pm)
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Plant cleanliness is imperative to achieve consistent yield, enjoy maximum plant efficiency and protect against costly infections. This is well understood but plant teams continue to confront operational challenges rooted that could have been avoided or greatly mitigated with best-in-class cleaning practices. The presentations in this panel will illustrate the cost-benefit analysis of the industry’s leading plant cleaning methodologies and the efforts industry vendors are making to enhance their solutions in alignment with the marketplace requirements and opportunities producers are facing today.
Moderator: Anne Chronic, Director, Market Analytics, Phibro Ethanol
- Matt Bilski, Lead Chemist, Ecolab, Inc.
The Importance and How-to’s of Re-Use CIP
FEW: Track 2: Production and Operations – Mechanical Processes and Plant Control
Line of Sight: Making the Most of Plant Data Capture and Process Control Systems
Room 103ABC - (1:00 pm - 2:30 pm)
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Ethanol production teams across the industry are unified in their mission for maximum uptime and yield. While plant control systems are common throughout the sector, the sophistication of the systems deployed and in use is highly variable. With the advent of AI and business intelligence packages paired with plant control systems, the bar has been raised again. Presentations in this panel will highlight the current state of the art of in process monitoring and control and how best in class producers are using it to meet aggressive uptime and yield goals.
Moderator: Anna Simet, Editor, SAF Magazine and Biodiesel Magazine
- Adam Van Schepen, Automation Manager, Interstates, Inc.
Monitoring Critical Process Loops
- Kelly Whittenberg, Performance Engineer, Black and Veatch Corp.
Real-Time Data Analytics and Power BI Dashboards On Operating Facilities
- Hank Brittain, Director of Optimization & Advanced Control, OpX Control, Inc.
How Does PID Work?
FEW: Track 3: Coproducts and Product Diversification
Tracing the Viability of Green Hydrogen Production from Ethanol
Room 211CD - (1:00 pm - 2:30 pm)
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Clean hydrogen is the “it” fuel in decarbonization discussions today and for good reason. Hydrogen has the potential to replace fossil fuel in uses where electrification struggles, specifically heavy equipment and long-haul trucking. Technology developers are showing increased interest in ethanol as a feedstock because of already low carbon intensity of the fuel and the sector’s interest in driving it lower. This panel will articulate the opportunity for ethanol producers in clean hydrogen production, and the argument for why plant teams should give it serious consideration.
Moderator: Tim Portz, Program Manager, BBI International
- Timothy Fogarty, CEO, PCC Hydrogen
Expanding Ethanol's Global Role in Decarbonization
- Larry Tree, President and CEO, Proteum Energy, LLC. Ethanol
The Feedstock of Choice for Renewable Hydrogen
FEW: Track 4: Leadership and Financial Management
Building a Plant Culture that Inspires Better Communication and Enhances Profitability
Room 211AB - (1:00 pm - 2:30)
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That a workplace team that communicates well is more effective is self-evident, but how do plant leadership teams build such a culture? The presentations offered here will extoll the virtue of gaining buy-in across your plant roster for open and thorough communication. Specifically, presentations will focus on creating an environment where employees feel encouraged to call-out opportunities for improvement without fear of reprisals. Similarly, discussions will dig into the benefits of establishing a culture that isn’t afraid to “fail forward’ together.
Moderator: Katie Schroeder, Associate Editor, Ethanol Producer Magazine
- Kristen Glasgow, Manager, Pinion
Manager Communication – Why It’s Important And How To Get Your Leaders And Employees On The Same Page
- Mike Morman, Director of Project Management, Fluid Quip Technologies, LLC
Improving Your Processes Through Shared Learnings
- James Jirak, Manager, Pinion
Working together as a board, during the good (easy) times as well as the more difficult times
Biodiesel Summit
Renewable Diesel and SAF Pretreatment Strategies that Reduce Cost, Protect Catalysts and Increase Throughput
Room 102DEF - (1:00 pm - 2:30 pm)
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Global demand for renewable diesel and SAF volumes are on a growth trajectory expected to last for decades. To meet demand, producers will have to expand their menu of feedstocks that their process can utilize. This panel looks closely at the pretreatment solutions currently available and under rapid development that allow producers to source a broader array of lipid streams and cost-effectively convert it into renewable diesel and SAF. Each approach places a high priority on preserving process catalysts from impurities like phosphorous and metals while also keeping a close eye on minimizing overall operating costs.
Moderator: Scott Kohl, Chief Technology Officer, Visionary Fiber Technologies
- Patrick Moss, VP of Engineering, Frazier, Barnes & Associates, LLC
Feedstock Pre-treatment – Retrofitting or Adding Pre-treatment to Your Facility
- Lou Lessard, Senior Scientist, Novonesis
Improved Enzymatic Technology for Pretreatment of Renewable Diesel/SAF Feedstocks
- Matthew Clingerman, Head of Licensing Technology Development, Sulzer Chemtech
Triglyceride Thermal Cracking for Maximum Hydrotreater Performance
- Gregor Schaub, Associate Division Director Biodiesel, BDI-BioEnergy International GmbH
What Fits My Process: Future Areas of Application for Waste Oil-Based Feedstock and The Necessity Of Selecting The Suitable Technology.
Carbon Capture & Storage Summit
Important Measurement and Monitoring Considerations for CCS Project Developers
Room 208CD - (1:00 pm - 2:30 pm)
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At face value, sequestering industrial carbon dioxide streams underground is the kind of transformative technology required to decarbonize our energy infrastructure. Regulatory agencies, low-carbon fuel markets and the general public however, take nothing at face value. The presentations in this panel will offer to attendees the means available to demonstrate the effective and safe sequestration of carbon dioxide streams. Project developers are urged to give consideration to these requirements early in the project as the deployment of these solutions once a project has been built is more difficult if not impossible.
Moderator: John Oyen, Director of Business Development, ABB, Inc.
- Lara Petrishchev, Refining & Sustainability Marketing Manager, Emerson
Instrumentation Technologies to Address Carbon Capture Challenges
- Paul Mordorski, Biofuels Sector Lead, Merjent, Inc.
Simplifying the Monitoring Approach to Carbon Capture
- Carly Sowecke, Lead Project Geologist, Trihydro Corporation
Establishing Triggers for Shallow Aquifer Impairment Identification
- David King, Lead Analytics Developer, Interstates, Inc.
Streamlining Utility Management: A Flexible Approach for Cost-Efficiency and Sustainability
2:30 pm - 3:00 pm |
Refreshment Break
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm |
Concurrent Panels
FEW: Track 1: Production and Operations – Biological Processes
Best Foot Forward: Creating a Fermentation Environment Where Yeast Populations Can Flourish
Room 103DEF - (3:00 pm - 4:30 pm)
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Close observation, measurement and predictive modeling have long been utilized to optimize plant fermentations, but advances in both hardware to collect data and the software and machine-learning have put the discipline into warp speed. Attendees hungry for a means of leveling up their data gathering and analysis programs will appreciate these highly technical presentations built upon a foundation of decades of fermentation science.
Moderator: Maha Dakar, Chemical Engineer, KATZEN International, Inc.
- Matt Hawkins, Applications Manager, Lallemand Biofuels & Distilled Spirits
Nutritional Profiles of Fuel Ethanol Samples and the Role of Supplemental Nutrition in the Process
- Joel Sirois, CEO, BioIntelligence Technologies
Industrial Monitoring Of Yeast Metabolic Chemodynamics in Real-Time By Harnessing Artificial Intelligence and Leveraging The Inherent Fluorescence Of Naturally Occurring Molecules
FEW: Track 2: Production and Operations – Mechanical Processes and Plant Control
Unlocking the Energy and Carbon Savings Waiting Within Plant Water Systems
Room 103ABC - (3:00 pm - 4:30 pm)
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The ethanol production process is a water-intensive proposition that finds producers treating inbound water streams, heating water, cooling water, driving water off and ultimately recapturing water for reuse. With so many process functions enabled by water, efficiencies made in a plant’s water program can have a tremendous impact on a plants energy expenditures and total carbon-intensity. This panel features efficiencies available for producers across all phases of their water programs with detailed demonstrations of impact to the financial and carbon bottom line.
Moderator: Simone Callioni, Global Lead Project Development, Aquatech
- Patrick Severson, Account Manager , Nalco Water, An Ecolab Company
How to Optimize your Cooling Water System
- Gregory Sato, Application Engineer, H2O Innovation
Analyzing Feed Water to Optimize Reverse Osmosis Systems
- Delbert Grotewold, Senior Technical Consultant, Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions
Improving Your Carbon Intensity Value Chain
- Christopher Gerken, Principal Scientist, ICM, Inc.
Reducing your CI Score through Improved Evaporation Performance and better Water Management
FEW: Track 3: Coproducts and Product Diversification
New Thinking on Protein, Its Highest and Best Use, and Marketplace Value Proposition
Room 211CD - (3:00 pm - 4:30 pm)
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The presentations in this panel will assert that additional value exists for producer’s willing to reconsider and rethink their plant protein capture program. The presentations first look inward to better understand plant protein streams, how they are captured and the potential for varying technologies to increase their inclusion in feed products. Discussions then look outward to the waiting feed market and the need to educate feed buyers about the increased value of a feed product purpose built to pack the biggest protein punch.
Moderator: Gary Weihs, Managing Partner, Kincannon & Reed Executive Search
- Jeremy Javers, VP of Technology, Houdek
Fermented Plant Protein and Its Impact on the Ethanol Industry
- Michael Franko, Vice President, Fluid Quip Technologies, LLC
Protein - Understanding Differences In Industry Products
- Adam Anderson, Director of Sales, ICM, Inc.
Measuring Up: Challenging Conventional Metrics to Maximize Oil and Protein Recovery
- Nicholas Moryn, Territory Sales Manager, CEM Corporation
Rapid and Accurate Oil Determination in DDGS
FEW: Track 4: Leadership and Financial Management
Driving Risk Out of Commodity Buying, New Technology Deployments and Business Succession Plans
Room 211AB - (3:00 pm - 4:30 pm)
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In addition to operating profitably, plant management teams are also expected to grow the overall value of the plant asset itself. Both ambitions require the thoughtful deployment of capital not only for new technologies and expansions but also investment in commodity futures and hedging positions. Presenters in this panel will touch on both, offering producers concrete advice on making sound decisions, setting those plans into motion and recognizing when to engage outside experts once it becomes clear that internal expertise isn’t sufficient.
Moderator: Leanne Sobel, Director, Weaver & Tidwell, LLP
- Bill Schafer, CEO, Energy Integration, Inc.
Investment Decision Making in the Face of Uncertainty
- Mark Pomykacz, Managing Partner, Federal Appraisal, LLC
Financial Management via Utilization of Appraisal/Valuation
- Chip Whalen, Vice President of Education & Research, Commodity & Ingredient Hedging
Best Practices for Setting up a Risk Management Profile
Biodiesel Summit
Getting it Right: Building SAF Production Assets that Align with Market Demand and Federal Policy Requirements
Room 102DEF - (3:00 pm - 4:30 pm)
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This panel kicks off with a thought-provoking presentation that calculates the potential output of SAF based on available feedstocks while also offering some guidance on the economic impact of building and operating production sites. Then, the panel will turn its attention toward project development offering expert advice on regulatory compliance, planning for monitoring SAF production and building pro-forma for a SAF project that will attract private investment in a market brim full of projects boasting a clear line of sight on reaching a financial close and an eventual groundbreaking.
Moderator: Scott Kohl, Chief Technology Officer, Visionary Fiber Technologies
- David Miller, Consulting Chief Economist, Decision Innovation Solutions
Potential for HEFA-SAF and the Economic Impacts
- Julie Valentine, Director, Global Refining and Sustainability Measurement Solutions, Emerson
Lessons Learned for Monitoring and Control of SAF Production
- John Oyen, Director of Business Development, ABB, Inc.
The 5 C's Of Project Development, Or Everything, Everywhere All At Once
- Pawan Mehra, Senior Economic Advisor, cCarbon
Understanding Voluntary and Compliance Demand Levers for the SAF Market Across North America and the EU
Carbon Capture & Storage Summit
Ducks in a Row: The Critical Importance of a Well-Coordinated Permitting Strategy in CCS Project Development
Room 208CD - (3:00 pm - 4:30 pm)
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It could absolutely be argued that the level of difficulty in obtaining a Class VI underground injection well could be the highest the biofuels sector has seen to date. Applications regularly reach to 500 pages and draw on a diverse mix of geological, hydrological and environmental expertise that will require producers to engage a qualified team of outside counsel. This panel is populated with experts have trod the pathway to successful permit applications, bushwhacking their way forward. Their hard-earned lessons learned will serve as the foundation to this insightful discussion.
Moderator: Jon Cartlidge, Commercial Sales Director, Battelle
- Hannes Zetzsche, Attorney, Baird Holm LLP
Environmental Permitting a Carbon-Capture Project
- Angela Ronayne, Senior Project Manager, Merjent, Inc.
Carbon Capture and Storage - Evolving Pipeline Permitting Regulations
- Tim Eggeman, Chief Technology Officer, New Phase Energy
US EPA Class VI Permitting – Application Assembly and Agency Review Process
- Maggie Van Amburg, Permitting/Data Mgmt Specialist, Trihydro Corporation
Doing it Right the First Time, Data Management Strategies for CCS/Class VI Permitting and Monitoring Programs
4:30 pm - 6:00 pm |
Expo Grand Opening & Welcome Reception
Exhibit Halls DE |
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